Mitsubishi Heat Pumps Waiheke Island
After years of selling Heat pumps & Air conditioning I’ve been approached by many different Brands but I’ve selected only two, one of these is Mitsubishi Electric.
- With Mitsubishi Electrics super quiet indoor and outdoor units they can be located close to sleeping areas
- Highly power efficient providing you the customer with ongoing power savings
- Sleek and stylish indoor units ,also a colour choice with the designer series (black silver & white)
- Selected Mitsubishi Electric units come with a 7 day timer allowing for a wide range of time/temperature setting
- RELIABILITY Mitsubishi units are super reliable. This is as important to FPS Heat pumps as it is to you the customer, a long life span and ongoing performance guarantees heating & cooling for years to come.
For Mitsubishi Heat Pumps on Waiheke Island – FPS are authorised, trustworthy installers. View our available product range by clicking on the navigation links in either the sidebar or top menu of this website.